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 Happy Monday! 

I have our winners for the March contest :] I was originally gonna choose 5 but I've randomly picked 7 winners from the pool of eligible commenters from last month. The winners are:

  • Jav 
  • Rowan 
  • Teej
  • Fred W.
  • Kariss
  • L-J D.
  • C T.

You guys will each receive 2 Meek stickers and a Kalla sticker, a set of the new MI bookmarks, and a signed/ doodled copy of the newest Legschilla comic that debuted at ECCC! yayy~ I'll be PMing you guys in a second so check your Patreon messages!

And for everyone else, I'll have that new Legscomic up for all $2+ folks so you don't miss out on anything :]

I really enjoy doing these giveaways so I'll try to get another one going soon!



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