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The sketch page (second one) this time instead of inks...  initial sketches are difficult to look at due to scribbliness XD

Was sort of interesting reading the comments on Suda on the last page! This chapter is definitely more about the kids and how they're all dealing with the loss of a parent, even if they aren't really talking openly about it. Suda is the only son and has been really coddled growing up, in a way that isn't super visible to him. Mostly his mother protecting him (and his sisters) from the more harmful traditions that Luca and other older Pasori have gone through, things that would result in permanent scarring. Millenials, right??

On the other hand, Suda doesn't have a lot of daily interactions with his father, and being both royal and mixed-race, doesn't have a lot of authentic access to that half of his culture... he understands a passable amount of Basori and can't speak it, sort of a thing. He is very much not prepared for all of these sudden changes, or for being suddenly expected to be an adult for the first time :\ 

Oh yeah, and a tovat is roughly one of these XD Also it is one of the other Pasori tribes that Luca doesn't particularly like, but what else is new.



Lilian Stoltzfus

Hoping Suda can eventually stand for something.