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This is lame but I was feeling sentimental about Kalla tonight, haha, so a little Kalla post... 

Kalla is fairly emotional and emotive, but it's hard to tell because her face doesn't have a huge range of movement to a human viewer. In addition to the crest movement, Major Wollaria like Kalla show a lot of feeling through their neck and through body language. This is another reason why Majors are looked down upon by the other genders, having a reputation for being a little over-dramatic (that's sort of an exaggeration, being an artifact of their striking anatomy, but in Kalla's case it's a little bit true). 

And that top image answers the question of how Kalla does her hair (the answer is: carefully). If you think it's weird that she can't even see the hair she's doing, you should come over to my house sometime and watch me attempt to center a ponytail, lol.




I love this. I miss Kalla, I want to see her do her hair


I love that you're feeling sentimental for Kalla! I saw the statue that someone on Twitter made, and I remembered how much I missed seeing her on a regular basis. :( ~Jessica