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Well, 333 did go up this month, but here are the other planned pages

When I type a script, I only ever do it in Notepad. It's the worst format ever because my computer tends to crash, and Notepad is so basic that I can't undo more than once and lose chunks of writing every time, haha. I end up rewriting scenes a lot, but I secretly like it because it forces me to keep improving. I start a new script file for every chapter and write out the big plot points at the beginning, and hit them as I go. Then as I finish my pages I'll delete the script I just finished, so by the end of the chapter I have a blank file and no record of the written development (so zen). Unlike TM, which has a strict 45pgs per chapter, MI chapters were not planned to have any limits so I don't really care how long the scene takes as long as I'm "feeling it." Chapter 3 is probably going to be in the range of 45 anyhow though.

You can sort of kind of see where the text goes in these... I don't do refined layouts for MI pages because I am pretty certain I'm going to futz around with these once I'm in the moment, and I don't want to do work I'm just going to undo later. I like working on MI because it's super organic process-wise, and really fun to immerse myself into. TM feels more like doing a puzzle where each of the pieces is satisfying to lay in, but they definitely have a specific orientation.

Also, bonus doodle I found under a random file from a while ago, just threw it on here for fun.


Anyways, that is all of the 10 pages I didn't get to this month. I updated only 3x, 1x to make up for missing a page last month and 2x of the owed 12x updates. Regular updates should resume on Tuesday the 5th of this month and I'm going to try and do as many as I can. If I don't make it, my new policy will to be to make a post like this for all patrons supporting my updates so that you are getting your money's worth supporting me to make comics every month! Please let me know if you have any concerns or anything and I'll try to alleviate them; I remain eternally grateful for your support and am doing my best to deliver everything as promised.




Are we finally going to see Kallakore fully open her mouth?! I'm so excited, I wanna see her maw!

Der-shing Helmer

Hopefully! I've been wanting to so I keep dooding it, haha... those bumps on the top of her head are temporal muscles so she has a pretty good bite.

Jason Land

Would Google Docs work for your workflow? Autosaves for the win!

Der-shing Helmer

Haha, yeah I use it for basically everything else... I just like the fear I get from the Notepad method XD