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Thank you again for your support in June. I got hit hard last month with a ton of work and life/ health Stuff that I don't normally deal with... The long and short of it was I realized I wouldn't be able to do everything I needed to do, and have to push all of my personal comics work from last month into July. I am going to do my best to get out 21 pages in July between TM and MI, but, you can read the pages that should have been posted last month now in an intermediate form :]

For anyone who is wondering, the top shows thumbnails and the bottom shows loose pencils and preliminary lettering. After this I tend to do my regular pencils, then draw bubbles, then another round of tight pencils, ink, then go to colors. These rough pencils range from scribbly silhouettes to "okay"; I like to work rough/ emotional, then move to structure and detail... just goes a bit smoother and faster for me when I do that despite it being a lot of steps. I'm also working from a version of thumbnails/ script I did back in 2007, which are very close to this version, just without some of the worldbuilding and background detail filled in (stuff like... what side of the door are the hinges located, if at all? what do characters exclaim when frustrated, given that "oh my god" and "jesus" are not in the lexicon? What decorations would be present in a fortress-turned-castle that has only been recently converted to house the emperors family? and things like that).

Anyways, I wanted to make this version a bit more refined to juxtapose with tomorrow morning's post of MI preview pages. I have a little bit of different process with MI because I work so loosely with that "script."

Thanks again for your support and hope you enjoy the pages~



Katie Veronin

I love your world-building, it is the best.

Lar Rackell

Whoever is my opponent you better pray first They like "SUDA why you rapping so fast?" I'm like "Bitch why you listen too slow?

Lar Rackell

I'm sorry. Seeing "Sudacris" got Ludacris stuck in my head.