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I deeply resent that I had to draw this so up it goes, haha.

Chapter 2 of TM took place at Souther Palace (not a typo, it's named after a dude named Souther), which is located along the coast of the lower Territories. In Chapter 5 we're traveling further North to Ramkr, the area where this former fortress is located. Unlike Souther it is pretty far inland and a ways away from towns/ settlements, the reason for which you can probably suss from the picture (or wait 3 pages). The building itself is fairly utilitarian/ imposing... in the past few years of peacetime it's been mostly used for housing and training a specialized type of infantry soldier, but because the royal family visited so often, was modified to a castle where they would stay for a few weeks every other summer. Because the fortress is relatively remote and up until recently not used as a residence, the Emperor would send a large portion of his permanent staff in advance to prepare the otherwise unused living areas (in the image, the only part of the structure with windows/ the part we see on pg2) and stock up on supplies and etc. Phe also started a little garden in one area that wasn't being well used, though I'm not sure I'll bother to show it in the comic. It'll probably be off in the corner or out a window and you can bask in satisfaction of knowing what it is.

The base of this image is an iso grid, the kind we used when I was doing social games. Having a little guide to place a footprint on can be nice when you're like me and super bad at drawing architecture.

I know TM needs a map... I have a map, to be honest, it just sucks and I want/need to redo it... Maybe I should just sack up and post it so you guys know where we are in space.




I noticed a few weeks ago that Pinter's map in Chapter 1 corresponds to a real-world coastline quite closely... is that the same map or is it different?

Der-shing Helmer

The map on his wall is not the same map as the one I just posted (that one is a version that was approved for use in Caris (ie it has Citeran placed in a central position). As for the real-world thing, I will do my author thing and let you guys chew on that on your own, haha.