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WOW, says Kallakore, that teal is my favorite partycolor~ 

Goodness, what's that circly thing? Well, that's the first long-term Patron bonus! If you've been a Patron at the $10+ level for 9 continuous months, you get a complimentary icon from me :] This applies to all the upcoming Patrons too... so if you're at 8 months, you'll be getting a special email in May, and so on. If you are in the 9+ month tier, you will have some instructions on how to get your icon in your monthly email.

If you'd like a icon without jumping through all these dang hoops, you can pick one up in the revised $20 tier off to your right there -->

There will be more complimentary thank-you stuff coming soon, but this is the first one! And also why I've been keeping track of you guys and watching you sleep so often. You are beautiful when you're dreaming, btw.





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