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Since Chapter 5 is the next chapter in the deSadar arc, thought it would be nice to put up the sketches of Ch2 here for you guys to look at.

Since it's been a while, I'd recc going through and rereading Ch2 if you want to be super up to speed with Ch5 content (or, you can look at this version, which is very similar to the final one). The only differences between this Ch2 and the one on the site is I toned down the jokey tone a bit, took out flashbacks, and refined the art a little (haha). The final also has a few more hooks than this one does, both in the art and writing.

Ch2 was actually the first chapter I had ever done for The Meek (I thumbed out Ch1 afterwards and retroactively placed it at the beginning). I'd had the scenes in my head for a while and was, at the time, frustrated at trying to start with Angora's chapter... just wasn't feeling it very much. Then one night I sat down and drew the first page of Chapter 2 and I didn't stop drawing comics for the next 10 years :[___] Some say the author is still drawing comics even until today.

(Not even once, kids)



Duke BG

Hm, comparing to how things turned out with chapter 4, this one is pretty much intact! All plot points are the same with only minor details changing (in the right directions too). I like how in the end comic you've "turned up the volume" on so many things. They seemed average in the thumbnails, but really felt strong in the finished comic! I also love the little funny things that were still present in the thumbnails and persisted throughout!