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I was amused to hear some of the translations of Kallakore in other languages

  • Greek: "beautiful maiden"
  • Swedish: "chill that runs down the spine"

I like choosing names because there's usually one really good one that mashes a lot of stuff that I like together, and when I finally get to the name, it's a great "last piece of the puzzle" sort of feeling. In this case, the base word comes from a butterfly genus I like ("Callicore"), just because it has a mellifluous sound. Kalla/ Calla has several meanings, including the name of a plant that, again, has its own set of symbols associated with it. Same with Kore/ Kora, which is a Greek word but also associated with Persphone, which fits pretty well given where we are. I particularly wanted to use that name since it is the name of one of the characters in Jeff Long's excellent subterranean horror novel, The Descent, which is easily one of my favorite modern horror novels (I basically stole that reference from him though, I didn't know Kore meant anything until I read some of his notes).

Of course in the actual comic, the name would not be pronounced anything like we would do it XD We lack both the throat and the resonant chamber at the top of the head, but I guess this is close enough.



Thomas Whitney

I feel the exact same way about names, like there's a perfect one out there somewhere for every character I make up. Love the etymology stuff!


I imagine the smaller arms moving disconcertingly quickly, like the maxillae on a crab. Probably looks a bit creepy to a human, and I'm sure we look inefficient and gangly to them. For some reason I think Kallakore's species would be exceptionally adept at harvesting plants or sifting through sand for little delicious wriggling things.