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Just a little preview of tomorrow's update~ Colors are not final at all, more like me doing my thing trying to find the final balance.

Generally for "new" colors (like, I just made a scene change) I will make an image in my head that I can't exactly match irl, but I will generally have enough info to know when I'm off. Then I will do a hellish underpainting (above) and adjust it until it is there enough. For example here I can tell it's way too saturated, not yellow accented enough, and needs to be lighter overall. But the lighting is sort of on the right track, and I can do broad strokes with the brightness/ contrast menu and the color adjuster to try and get it closer... after the base looks okay I will start detailing and then paint all the bg elements. Then paint the figures so they look like they belong there, then post. Gonna wake up a bit early tomorrow and hopefully have the full page up by afternoon.



Duke BG

Mikes first line will be "Love what you've done with the place" and/or Armshark's first line "Sorry for such a mess"