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Just a mid-month thank you and general reminder that I sent out all of the $10+ Patron emails just now. Usually this gets done within the first week of the month... I wanted to thank you again for your patience this month as I have been spending a good 3-4 hours a day since March 1st doing the move and some necessary physical renovations to the place. All commissions and such will be fulfilled on time, but I dislike being so off-schedule so I am just calling myself out here, haha...

Also wanted to show you a slice of the crazy spreadsheet I made to organize my data (only public info is shown but you can see my beautiful colors there~). There are 600+ Patrons now! This is so mind-boggling to me. At the $20+ level I also have to do an additional layer of maintenance to make sure that all of your commission information is collected appropriately so I can schedule a good amount of time to work on those in addition to comic pages. I've been scaling back commission slots slowly in order to make sure I can give all my work for you 100% effort without rushing to finish anything.

If you are donating at the upper levels, I also want you also to know that I know you so personally. Like, I move your rows around one by one, I personally update your color codes instead of being smart and using conditional formatting, and I have a .psd with all of your little icons I make for the support pages lovingly detailed in a file that I hand-export to every month as well. If I met you in the street I would probably be able to tell you your email address haha ok this is getting scary, ANYWAY thank you very much and even if you don't feel like we have a direct connection, I appreciate all of my readers so much, even when I'm just watching you sleep (JUST KIDDING)



Hannah Viera

This is exactly how my Kickstarter rewards list looked. Google Sheets is the best, especially if you have to switch workstations a lot.