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Whew! The past two days have been crazy... got sick, ran around like crazy trying to wrestle a new living place in our very competitive area (success), and most importantly, completely forgot to upload this yesterday so I am doing it now hahaaasdlkfa;

Anyway, this was part of the bonus material in an ancient printing of Chapter 1. It's meant to foreshadow some stuff in Chapter 10 (but it's since been rewritten to Chapter 7 so you'll be seeing it sooner than originally planned). Beginning in March I'm going to start doing facelift tweaks to old pages (to be shared only on Patreon... nobody else needs to see that mess) to get ready for an printed version of the first volume of 3 comics that will be Kickstarting later this year. This has been a long time coming, and Ch3 has not been printed ever, so it'll be interesting fixing the book of mistakes-to-fix I've written down... it'll be a background thing I'm doing in addition to the start of Chapter 5, also in March.

But for the rest of Feb we have the end of Ch 4 and one more MI page so I better get on it :U haha. See you with updates soon~




So. Hmmm. What is Pinter trying to leave behind? I too have lost a best friend. It would have been amazingly wonderful to have had an Angora to cheer me up! :)


So Tayaks are like hyper-aggressive javelina? Yikes!