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Was gonna post a larger "wow it is 2016" sort of post, but that kind of deflated... I try to keep my personal life off the radar in the spirit of Nobody Likes A Whiner, but lately have been dealing with some side effects from a new pill I'm taking (to replace the infamous one that gave me lupus for 2 months). Seems like every time I try to correct one problem, I get a new one in it's place. It's supposed to level out at some point but I'm not sure when, and as usual I'm getting punched right in the comic-maker. I'm still working on a lot of pages, they are just going very slowly and due to batching, not getting 100% finished super timely :\ Gonna try and wrest the bus back onto the road tomorrow with the beginning of the Meek Marathon (tm) to finish this chapter... Chapter 4 has been a thorn in my side for years now; it will be quite a relief to have it finished.

Regardless of any health stuff that happens, I'm going to keep making comics. Sometimes the pace slows and sometimes it is fast, but I have no interest in ever stopping.


Next page will be up tomorrow, but in the meantime here's a preview of the next page. The text is a little placeholder but I suppose the point is there. I've been watching a lot of tutorials lately in an attempt to keep my productivity up somehow, and have been playing with laying down values during my thumb phase to establish focus. It's kind of fun to slam out those blobs before filling in the details; I usually try and let the lighting convey that info during the coloring phase, but sketching and inking around value guides is far more straightforward than trying to remember where I'd wanted to place my highlights.

BTW I'm making this post visible to all supporters just because I feel bad and guilty about everything under the sun, but will post another thing or two I've been siting on for the $5+ folks in just a minute. And I'll do that overview post sometime this week, if I can muster the drive.

Thank you, as usual, for reading and supporting my work. More of it soon.




I get the feeling we're not going to like Tanome very much.

Duke BG

Not sure yet. She does seem very demanding, but the reaction to Angora's nakedness isn't so out of line. Etan was shouty earlier too.

Marc Juul

Honestly the amount of work you usually publish is kinda incredible. Look at Mr. Codak. He publishes like what, 4 pages a year? Stuff takes time, don't sweat it :)