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My giant horrible sloppy file attached for you guys, haha XD

Just an explanation of the process: I was using this tutorial as a base for my fur rendering, and some other notes I read here and there about how to approach textures in general. When doing more involved stuff like this, it helps to do a silhouette first, do some base shading/ rendering of volumes (I did a crappy job of this, as you can see above), and then start building up volumes from big to small until you're done.

My paint process is a bit different than my normal comics stuff in that I tend to flatten my layers as I go, so my painting layer is one compressed layer. But I kept the effects separate, as well as certain elements like the whiskers and such.

Hope it's of interest!



Marc Juul

As someone trying to learn how to use photoshop for drawing I really appreciate posts like this. It was especially interesting to step through and look at each layer individually.