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Was digging around for an old PSD and found this thing I completely forgot about from 2014 (before the comic launched). Law of Holes was the original title of Chapter 1, but I thought the quote/ concept was too specific and not the vibe I wanted, so I scrapped it. As you can see though, the color triad (blue/ pink/ yellow) was there from the beginning. A lot more minimalistic than the eventual final style but I still really like it tbh. 



Cat Paris

Out of curiosity, are we ever gonna end up learning more about Mike's backstory? I'm reading through the old interludes and I'm low key wondering what happened to his mom/if she ever found out about Brian/if ANYONE ever found out about Brian/where Mike's dad went/a ton of other stuff

Der-shing Helmer

It'll be in the additional materials PDF (basically all the shit I didn't put in the book) since none of that info was plot relevant but I can just post it as text here too if you're super curious *spoilers* Mom died of pancreatic cancer while Mike was getting his postdoc. He never had a good relationship with her as an adult/ was bitter she didn't do more for him when he was a kid, but post-MI reconciles that a bit since she was a victim of his dad too, and very young. Concedes that she could have been better, but so could he. Mike's Dad (Bill) got that divorce on schedule and bounced from the family super hard after Brian got caught when Mike was in middle school. Had a new son with a different trophy wife and named him Mike as well just to completely replace our Mike; Bill was not a nice guy. They've been no contact since Mike was a teen, and if there's any justice the dude is dead. Bill's twin brother Brian went to prison on CP charges and died there. Toby and Mike are friends on social networks and awkwardly like each other's statuses now and then. She's married, has a private practice as a physician in their hometown, and has a very nice life.

So Ville

Loving these (horrible) bits of info. At least that Brian bastard burned in jail! Hopefully Bill died painfully hehe.