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Hi guys,

Well, I did it, I finished writing MI this weekend. Many tears were shed awkwardly by myself to myself, several pages of various notebooks scribbled all over and re-written and re-scribbled and re-re-written. My closet, once covered in post-it notes, is swept clean. Now that I finally have a solid pagecount down and can set all my pages up ahead of time (next weeks' above), I am certain I can finish everything by my goal date of March/ April. The end of the book will coincide with the final weeks of the MI Kickstarter because I love to suffer.

Thank you so much for understanding my recent delays; I have been so swamped I hardly have time to do anything but work on the thing that is most intensely on fire. Right now I'm also editing another book/ herding ~25 artists via weekly emails, getting my taxes ready, KS planning and preparing for cons, so it's a busy time. Now that I've extinguished this fire, I'm finally going to finish and post the last few tutorial things I had floating around unfinished and then start polling you guys about my MI cover options, cuz I got a LOT of sketches that I don't love yet. 

Anyways, thank you again for sticking around and allowing me to make all the things I make, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the products of all my labor. 



Sentimental Dragon

That's fantastic! Did it land where you've always imagined it would, or did some things about the ending change in the writing?

Sue Donem

You're already updating at an insanely fast rate, I have no idea how you pull it off but I really admire how hard you've worked on this! Many congrats on finishing the writing!!