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Okay, this tutorial is about knowing when you're ready to go indie- in the context of this tutorial, that means not working a stable, full-time job, but making a living from your art in another way. How you want to go indie (freelance/ contracting? self-publishing? etc) is left open because... everyone is different! What I did specifically probably wouldn't work for another person because of my personal resources and weaknesses. I don't have kids, I live in a really expensive area, I draw comics, etc... that might not apply to everyone. So I kept this as general as I could so anyone can take stock of what they have, what they want, and where they want to go.

Both tutorial worksheets will be up for the weekend or early next week, because I was so late with the Webcomics worksheet, that will be available to $5 Patrons this month and the worksheet for this tutorial will be up like usual for $10 Patrons. 

My bf was watching me make this and he said "wait is this entire thing about memes" lol. Yes, it is. But hopefully some other good info for you.




I so very appreciate the level of detail and thought that goes into your tutorials and the nonstop firehose of existentially relatable deadpan sass always makes me laugh out loud thank you <3 they are also super dense/long/scrolly and I would love to have them in printed form to read with my feet up or have as an analog reference while doodling. if you ever made these into a printed hard copy or even a printable PDF i would throw money at you for them ASAP

Dani Ellis

Thank you for this! So much useful info. I really need to go through the archives for some of these tutorials too. :>