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MEEK STUFF! yeah, I've already started prelim work on revising Ch 6 ahead of its official start in a few months. Until then, will just be revisiting some older art and some bg stuff. I think this is still one of my fav Soli pieces so I just wanted to repost it here :] (it looks fuzzy cuz I was experimenting with one-brush pictures at the time, and painted this entirely with the fuzzy airbrush)

So, a fun-fact about Soli: after many years of being illiterate, she is teaching herself to read. Not really her fault, what with the whole no-school thing (most kids and adults from her hometown worked in the local sand mines). But she has a teacher now, and from what he's told her, they are both doing a swell job




aaahhhh I love her so much ;O;

Lilian Stoltzfus

I'm looking forward to the upcoming chapter of The Meek.