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Here I come to pump some bullet(point)s into you
  • The Meek won an Ignatz last week, scream. I am extremely not kidding when I say that Patreon is the main reason I'm able to create comics, so this recognition would not have been possible without you. A few bucks a month doesn't seem that important in the scheme of things, but it truly means the world to me ;__; continued gratitude from me.
  • I launched ALLOY, a new anthology, which opens for submissions soon. I really want to give back to comics as much as I've been given by you guys, so I'm trying to integrate more communal paid projects into my yearly output. Thanks for allowing me to progress with my skills to the point where I could make this happen. 
  • The tutorial stream is happening on Wednesday! I'll make a post about that separately... we'll be discussing last month's tutorial on Pacing and anything else you want to bring to the table!
  • A pin giveaway is still ongoing, check out the rules on that to enter :]
  • As The Meek Ch 5 ends, I'll be uploading the entire 45-page PDF of the original chapter thumbnails for $5+ Patrons to read, that will likely be at the end of the week. 
  • Just by way of preview, I've been also doing a lot of prepwork for my KS orders to go out... the above is a little slice of a science-illo style Thrip! And here's what the proof for the pin backing cards look like:

that black and white image shows where the foil is going! I've never done a printing with foil before, but want to see what it looks like since the MI book will likely have a bit as well. 

Anyways! Just an update on what I've been up to (a lot) and some head's up on things to come. I've also already started work on next month's tutorial which I think you're going to like :]

Oh, and enter that pin contest!







J Luna Dungca

Big congratulations again on the Ignatz! My partner and I were at SPX the other week. It felt really good and a long time coming to cast our votes for The Meek and we definitely cheered real loud at the ceremony when it was announced. (That speech tho lol) Back when you first started officially posting it, The Meek was one of the first handful of webcomics that really got me invested in the medium. Your work and your discussions of your creative background helped me realize I wanted to make comics and helped me feel like it was okay if I didn't go to art school, that I could still tell cool stories and teach myself what I need to get where I want to go. I felt like, weirdly tangentially proud to see The Meek get this recognition. You deserve it. I hope I get a chance to catch you at some con or other someday :]