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Since I'm here and updating, some rough pencils I did on the plane yesterday (I'm up early today too to keep working on this page). Cut off the bottom cuz I didn't like it, but yeah, a look at what the page looks like at the uncut "I wish I could draw the way my imagination looks" phase... I always get these sweeping landscape ideas in my head and then realize I don't necessarily have the skill to pull them off, haha. This page in particular will rely a lot on colors so I wanted to show you how bad it looks now, but hopefully it will look much better after some more work. 

I've had the river in my head for a while, I just love the backcountry rivers in Yosemite NP... there's a lot of very beautiful small canyons they've carved up, there's one I love especially coming off of Evelyn Lake if anyone has been there, I have no pictures of it and no idea if it even has a name, but goddamn it it's going in my comic

Also this page leads into the last scene of the chapter, I'm excite



Li Zard

Ahh man I love your rocky backgrounds a lot, haha. Maybe that's a really particular thing but I noticed them all the time with chapter 3 of Meek and the few pages I've seen of Snowball. They're always so interestingly shaped and layered! I'm sure you'll pull it off fine. Also, at the risk of being That Guy, I think the plural of "gas" is "gases". It's just one of those things I'd be all "nobody told me how dare you all betray me this way" about if it were me, haha |D ;;

Abunai yo!

Thrip eyes! Love the first panel