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Someone asked for a larger view of this image, so here you go~

The fish is based off of extinct Placoderms, they have some really fun designs so I riffed off a couple of them

For clarity, here's the image without all the water stuff on it, it's a bit less dramatic, but you can see those beefy Wollarian jaw muscles at work



Kitty Seraphic

Oh man two questions: 1) is Wollarian based on anything or did you just make up sounds? 2) do Wollarians consider it dignified to hold stuff in their mouths like that or is Kalla just doing it because she's roughing it?

Der-shing Helmer

1) When I make up fake languages I'll choose some arbitrary verbal cues... one of them for the Martians is the double-L sound in Kallakore, Collumai, Wollaria, etc. I thought they should have a pretty name but other than that I just waited for something to come to me, and it did. 2) Just roughin' it! Has probably around the same connotation as us doing it, like you're busy and your hands are full (and not terribly dignified, no XD)

Li Zard

I meant to ask this roughtly 44 hours ago but I got HELLA distracted (oops lol) but I was wondering if it's possible to get this panel with the dark background like in the comic? ;0; I just like dark desktop backgrounds, tho I totes understand if that's a negative ghost rider, haha. Figured it doesn't hurt to ask!