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One of my favorite recent pages!

One reason is obviously cuz Kalla, but the other is due to the composition, which is actually a new one for me (at least, reading it this way). I overuse long vertical panels for physical drops because the directionality forces you to "feel" the drop with your eyes (the only regularly-shaped alternate I can think of would be a square panel, but only for falling into a broad void). It gets boring if we see the same compositions over and over tho, so I try to mix it up a bit since there are a few falls in this comic

You can see the main basic action is falling (sometimes climbing), but you can hopefully see that I don't repeat overall page compositions here or in general... 

This page was a different sort of fall though, since it culminated in not a ground impact, but an elegant mid-air pickup followed by a gentle landing. So it was really fun to play with the increased fall pacing of panels 1-3, reversing the line of direction of your eyes midair in panel 4, then travelling horizontally for a bit with Kalla's flat body for the soft landing in that final panel! 

Composition stuff is subtle and sometimes doesn't need to do much more than it's basic job of dragging your eye from panel to panel, but sometimes you can use it to enhance the actions felt on the page or the emotion felt by the reader. 



Kelsey Norden

Wow, I really enjoy reading about the artistic choices you make when planning these pages. I never think about this stuff. Learning a lot from these posts, thank you!

Kitty Seraphic

!!! I already said this on the actual page comments but MY GIIIIRRRRLLLLLL. I'm so happy she's back. I was scared that something would come up where her coming back wouldn't work. Here's hoping Mike isn't destroying himself too hard in the meantime.