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Another big boy~

This is a meta tutorial, not really about any of the subjects the tutorial covers (perspective, color, objects of people), but more about how to think about those subjects in order to teach yourself about them. I mention here and there that I'm self-taught, but I think that's a weird term for it... everyone who learns anything is pretty much self-taught. In that nobody else can do the work or grow from it except for you, which is why some people get A's in their classes and some people who took the class twice still forgot everything they know about Ochem *cough*

The point is, absorbing the info is the most important thing, and I find it a lot easier to do when I'm not going out of my way to change my life, but integrating active observation into my daily routine. That's what the tutorial is about, and hopefully I'm here as a shining beacon of all the things you can achieve by creepily staring at everything in a 10 foot radius. 

Check out the tutorial tag for more tutorials, and the worksheet will be up in a day or two!




The best thing about this tutorial besides the tutorial itself is that I discovered you when searching for art tuts a wholelotta years ago and been stalking since. <3