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I got to a point in the comic where Wendy talks briefly about what happened to her pet dog, fluffy. What kind of pet do you think Wendy would have and what would eventually happen to it? 

My first thought is she would have a fluffy Pomeranian dog and it ran away, or at least that's what her version of the story is. 2nd idea is that maybe the dog got hungry and ate something it should not have eaten... What do you think would be a fun story? 

Sad side story on a personal note, we had a staycation this past week with family and someone left our gate open... dogs ran away... it was dark... one got hit by a car... as i type she's getting checked out to see if there is anything that can be done for her. :(  




May be some girl who was an enemy to Wendy in past was turned into her pet? :) And there shall be some kind of retransformation and turning to smth else...


And hope everything will be fine with your dog🙏🏼


I’m really sorry to hear about your dog, I hope everything works out in the end! I like Reldaris idea where an enemy of hers was transformed into Wendy’s pet. Perhaps a pet horse, cow, or pig. Something exotic instead of a dog/cat. Maybe a snake or a unicorn, 😂 . That being said, if Wendy had a dog I feel like a poodle would fit her personality well. As for the accident, chocolate comes to mind. Also, cotton candy or hard candy.


I'm so sorry to hear about your pupper. 😓 As far as Wendy's pet goes I would think that she would have something fun and magical like a unicorn. I like the idea of it being a past enemy as well. Maybe they ate rainbow colored magic marshmellow fluff and is now a blob of a unicorn? I think that that would work pretty well!


I really hope the puppers is well. Got them in my thoughts. I like the idea of a small dog too, originally white. It gets into some experimental chocolate that changes it dark brown as it keeps replicating inside it and turns it into a big ol blob of a dog. Kinda like the Crystal caves girl, but with choooooocooooooolate. Again, I hope the pup is okay.


Sorry about the pers! I hope they have a way to take care of her with no debilitating injuries. Losing a member of the family is never easy so I hope she will have a full recovery.


As for the wonka idea. There are several ideas based on the question.


As for the wonka idea. There are several ideas based on the question. If you want a pet you could always get the younger xhild Wendy the first pet. A dog or cat is funny and you could say the poor pet was the first subject of some test. Maybe a candy that caused excessive hair growth that wonka would use later. Or perhaps transformed into like a wolf or tiger with some change candy. If you are looking more exotic, Wendy's pets would be a rtlat, snake, lizard or parrot. They would each have some unique twist with her and her personality. Maybe she was in a pirate phase and accidentally sent an explosive firework ball that torched the bird, or the snake ate a candy that allowed it to start shedding some type of skin candy. So many ideas for this one. And then the rival, my thing I could see happening is the cow for the first phase of the milk Maybe show one of the original cows she was milking as the human rival. However something else Wendy could do is to give Santa a gift to put her on the nice list she turned the rival into a reindeer to make sure he had a replacement


I think her first pet was a boyfriend she had brount in and showed her to the new pet treats that r super heathy like an everlasting treat.and when the boyfriend tasted it he slowly kept licking turning him into a hungry horny dog and the new people to down and one of the girls seeing that there now biskets trys one truning her into a poodle test puppy and mate for the big dog


Maybe it turned into Hard Candy from eating an experimental Jolly Rancher she was working on.


Considering that Willy said that her original condition kept her hospitalized for a good portion of her life . . . I'm saying Wendy is primarily a city girl, not much of a globe trotter like her brother when he found the Oompaloompas or the other rare components for his new treats . . . so that cuts out most exotic pets for her early years . . . for a city girl that limits her child years to critters like cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, fish, and small birds . . . and considering her clearly schizophrenic persona . . . most such animals with sense would likely run away from home pretty quick unless she did something to prevent that . . . such as stoking her fancy for expansion by immobilizing them with goodies. which unless she took measures against the negative effects, likely resulted in them suffering from over-eating or popping. Now, we've seen proof of her tinkering with "genetic material" in her sweets from the metamorphic episodes that turned her victims into "living embodiments of given sweets", as well as changing genders and animal transformation . . . so, there's nothing to stop her from dabbling in other forms of genetic tinkering . . . turning animals human or just changing people into animals straight up . . . And if she isn't so far gone off the deep end to actually "kill" anybody . . . there's the possibility that she might have used her brother, Charlie, and Charlie's family as test subjects for such R&D . . . she couldn't keep pets as a kid, so she captured her competition for the Factory Throne and turn them into her new pets. Now . . . as for pets and Factory mischief/magic . . . an obvious pet choice for a gag would be a Bunny Rabbit . . . take either a pet rabbit, or a victim-turned-bunny, and use either a special treat or factory system to turn them into a big sexy living Candy Easter Bunny who can give birth to massive litters of chocolate bunnies around Easter, and be a nice cuddle companion the rest of the year. another Gag pet would be her having a colorful parrot, tucan, or other exotic bird and the factory turning it into a Wonka spinoff of Tucan Sam from Fruit Loops, ha. Also, we shouldn't for get the Geese that lay the Golden Eggs . . . they're still in the Factory, so she does have some "pets" that feel at home there already--so long as she keeps that craziness of hers under control. Heh, would be wacky if she spiked some of those huge Golden Chocolate eggs and stuffed them into one of the visitors to turn them into a new breed of Easter Egg laying Hot Mamma Bird, ha! Also, if we take a note from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", there's the horde of intellegent squirrels who take care of "Nut Assessment" and shelling. If there's no limit on the kinds of treats the Factory can cover . . . pet mice would prove useful in Cheese related goodies . . . cartoon gags a plenty there. As for dogs . . . Poodles and other dogs with decorative coats that can be constantly trimmed and re-worked can make effective and fun "candy floss/cotton-candy" producers . . . There's also the Japanese treat, Taiyaki, which is a caked shaped like a fish . . . Wendy might have an "educated" siamese cat (or two, ha) who takes care of a big "breeding pool" that is just "swimming" with the fish shaped pastries . . . and maybe the old fisher cat(s) might like having a sexy pastry mermaid for company, hahaha depending on how far you're willing to stretch the rules/laws of an established fictional world, the possibilities are quite vast


Sorry to hear about your dog hope it can make a recovery. Thinking of ideas for wendys pet how about a Gummy snake. But not a normal gummy snake something like an Allens Killer Python which is a much larger gummy snake made of multiple colours and flavors https://imgur.com/a/a9smfel Which may or may not be a former employee, rival, enemy or someone Wendy didn't like the look of.


Ooh! I like the goose idea! Especially the egg transformation idea! Also the bunny idea is pretty solid.


I'm a stickler for details when it comes to story construction . . . and sense there hasn't been a definitive limit stated for what kinds of treats the factory might not deal in, it's hard to know where the lines are drawn. Also, with so many wild and wacky things in the factory, one needs to keep tabs and know how they all connect through the factory's workings . . . so they are not just completely random . . . and if you want a "pet" that is completely off the wall . . . use some genetic/candy research to breed a fusion of python, leech, cow, and some skilled burrower . . . creating a living subterranian extractor that can burrow down into the candy-crystal mine an start syphoning off all that mega juice/flavor from that poor girl so she 1) doesn't pop, 2) doesn't remain trapped, and 3) so the mine can be opened back up so the factory does not suffer from the loss.


Yeah! I even like an idea of pet Gummi worms or Gummi snakes that aren't alive but she treats them like they are.


Oh yeah I like the idea of a unicorn- like she turned someone into a pony or horse and keeps them painted and decorated like a unicorn because she always liked unicorns?


A fat transformed unicorn? Sounds good! The comment above had the unicorn thought too so we might be onto something.


Said like the SpongeBob chocolate episode? As I think about it, I wonder if a chocolate bunny, but a real one that is really chocolate would be a better twist than a chocolate dog?


We found a humane society that was willing to do hip surgery on her for the same price as leg amputation! She came home yesterday and is recovering...with all 4 legs. She lost the ball of her femur that connects to the hip, so I don't know how much use she will have with it- she loved sprinting laps around the yard so I hope she can run again one day.


I like the ideas of her having several pets through the years all being subjected to her enthusiasm for trying new candy recipes and candy ideas. And making a reindeer Def sounds like something a young Wendy would do.


Oh that’s a Great idea, It fits her personality really well and sounds like something she’d do!


Whoo hoo! Glad to hear someone was there to help out! Hope she hs a speedy recovery now and comes back almost 100 percent if not above 100 percent