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Working on titles this week! Tonight's attempt at creating fun titles that raise your curiosity but don't give away too much...

Babysitters are for Babies   and....   Case of the Growing Diaper




Swifty D

I like the first one, second one just makes me think of a giant diaper which for me personally doesn't do anything


First one is good. I'd need more context for the second one.


I do like the first one. The second one doesn't hook me like the first one does.


I think the second one is just leaving to many open questions. Im not against it, I just don't have a full grasp of it. It could be like a super absorbent soggy diaper or something WAY more ominous. The first one is more straightforward an has an easier understanding of what may come. I can get behind that one (no pun intended) more so.


Man, I think you should REALLY do a poll over how many people want to see a story about an 'expanding diaper monster' or something. Because that's super niche and not what I think a lot of people who are reading these are into.