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Quick post for anyone new- (welcome!) Now that June 1 is here, you can message me your request through a Patreon message. You can include any reference photo links in your message. I will reply with any questions I have and repeat it back to make sure I have understood your request. I have a lot of messaging to do in the first few days, so bear with me if it takes me a day or 2 to reply. I'll get to your sketch as soon as I can- there are about 20-30 sketches for me to do, so you might have to wait a few days to a week before seeing it. I will post each new sketch on DA and in a Patreon gallery post as I finish them.

The Polls for voting will be posted on June 24. June 29 the Polls will end with winners decided.

-Disregard the prices in the photo- DA prices are different than Patreon. 




When is the deadline submit requests?