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This month saw not only the 40th anniversary of the airing of the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam, it also saw us finishing the series and looking at it from a broader perspective. We still have bits and pieces of research to get through, and then the movies, but we are so close to starting Zeta!

We've also hit a few very exciting milestones:

- A new subscriber-high of over 800!

- Over 90 patrons!

- And we are so close to our first funding goal!

Can we say thank-you enough times? Probably not! Thank you to our listeners, and an especially big thank you to those of you who are Patrons, who share the podcast with your friends, and who write us reviews. Can't wait to see where the next 2/3 of 2019 takes us.

- Nina


Charlie Weeks

Believing the sign of Zeta!

