Update v0.98.0 - Colorful walls! (Patreon)
2022-09-18 01:58:59
- Added new placeable walls with 12 colors each:
- Striped
- Hearts
- Wavy
- Zigzag - Added new colors for plain walls
- Added new placeable objects:
- Various rail pieces
- Barriers
- Sledgehammer
- Flipped boat and sailboat - Added sledgehammer tool T for removing walls
- Added ability to remove walls by holding Ctrl while using saw
- Added ability to pick walls by holding Shift using saw
- Added ability to flip island entrance boat using brush
- Added eyedropper icon to tile/wall picking using Shift
- Overhauled sprites for:
- Cave entrance
- Rails
- Minecarts
- Barriers
- Boat
- Sailboat
- Island entrance boat
- Wood pile - Changed wall menu to be split into categories
- Changed wall type menu previews to always show as tall
- Renamed "Boat with sail" to "Sailboat"
- Improved cave and main map
- Improved join button behavior when joining game
- Improved collisions at the top border of maps
- Improved building menu to open to currently held tool instead of hammer
- Improved text expressions to be preserved when switching maps
- Fixed minimizing game resetting selected object
- Fixed incorrect preview when replacing house edge walls
- Fixed incorrect expression after using text expressions
- Fixed expressions being desynced in some cases
- Fixed actions being incorrectly enabled in some cases
- Fixed issues with editing last action in vertical action bar
- Fixed incorrect bottom padding of head-only PNG export
- Optimized server performance
- Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed certain player names not being displayed
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