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  • Added ability to drag and drop colors in character editor (tap to enable dragging on mobile)
  • Added ability to use mismatched body pattern sides
  • Added ability to use mismatched ear accessories
  • Changed body to be split into front and back pieces
  • Added new cosmetics:
    - 4 front body options
    - 2 back body options
    - 2 tails
    - 1 front horn
    - 1 side horn
    - 1 pair of pants
    - 2 ear bows
    - spotted patterns for 2 shirt sleeves
    - spotted pattern for short and long pants
    - single stripe pattern for long pants
    - colorful pattern for dreadlock manes and tails
  • Added more colors to patterns:
    - thin stripes of all manes and tails
    - hair tips of all manes and tails
    - colorable underside for griffon, dragon and fish tails
    - spotted body pattern
    - spotted skirt patterns
    - some shirt patterns
    - some shirt sleeves
  • Added icon to indicate you can interact with colors
  • Improved ear accessory offsets
  • Improved default pattern color 8
  • Improved scrolling behavior of in-game character editor
  • Moved flower crown to new forehead accessory category
  • Fixed color order of a front sleeve and mane pattern
  • Fixed some accessory pixel errors
  • Fixed magic light not being affected by horn offset
  • Fixed magic sparkles not being affected by horn offset
  • Fixed inconsistent rat toy offsets
  • Fixed food getting stuck on bakery tables
  • Fixed chat spam after tabbing in to game
  • Fixed game getting stuck loading when leaving party while using own map
  • Fixed browsers being able to translate player profile
  • Fixed some UI issues
  • Decreased waiting time when joining a game server
  • Optimized game performance







aww, I love the new update!


I really like this update! I also have a suggestion...


how about you all make a duplicate of pony town, but with the 2016-2018 things. As a 2018 player i would love to see old pony town!


you should make it where ppl can give others skins, i would love to give my friends some skins


you can export a skin and send the file to a friend i think


очень крутое обновление, оно помогает не только чтобы перетащить цвета , а ещё когда ты сделал контур, тебе надо перетащить. очень крутая функция, благодарю.


Soo cool