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The Drydock - Episode 183

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:33 - How significant was Admiral Suffren's Indian Ocean campaign? 00:05:41 - Poor communication to the RN in WW1? 00:13:08 - Was the High Seas Fleet offered passage to Canada? 00:17:19 - HMS Vanguard - Royal Yacht 00:19:46 - Best armoured cruiser? 00:25:00 - What is the maximum size the Royal Navy could grow to before HM Treasury yells enough and goes no more during the 20th century? Say around 1914 and 1939 respectively? 00:32:19 - Being buried with your ship? 00:34:58 - What ship or class would you consider to be the last true gunfighter? 00:37:33 - Do arms limitations treaties work? 00:45:10 - How many depth charges to sink a submarine? 00:47:23 - WW1 AA instalations 'for morale purposes'? 00:51:40 - What were the factors going into the decision of whether or not to razze a warship? 00:58:02 - How effective were the various and unusual non-ferrous armours against increasingly deadly shot and shell fire in the 19th and early 20th centuries? 01:03:15 - Automatic 3" AA as a secondary anti-surface gun? 01:05:12 - Why did it take so long for stockless anchors to become widespread? 01:09:57 - Warship horns and signals 01:13:52 - Who paid for merchant ships that were lost during WW1 and WW2? 01:16:50 - Have you noted a change in the way questions are asked over time? Have people learned or adapted to have their questions answered the 'way they want it' or to forestall certain answers? 01:19:34 - Would you and/or Mrs Drach consider participating in some kind of firearms match like USPSA with one of the firearms you will be exploring in the naval small arms special during your trip to the colonies? 01:20:51 - Were the Japanese able to conduct underway replenishment in ‘41 or did they have to find a nice, protected inlet or atol for the the ships to transfer supplies? 01:23:13 - In 1939/40 could the FAA have launched a attack on the main german fleet strength, Taranto style. 01:26:48 - What in your opinion are the wacky tactics that were dreamed up (e.g jamming monitors turret with a metal bar, anti-submarine Hanmers and the use of the Unrotated projectile launcher to name a few) would/might have been somewhat effective despite their wacky nature? 01:35:22 - What emphasis was given to the speed/range of merchant marine/fleet auxiliaries during naval history? 01:40:02 - Were all the compounds used in the bursting charge equal? 01:44:37 - Drydock practices 01:51:58 - Did a coal bunker fire sink RMS Titanic? 01:56:25 - Railway tracks on ships? 02:01:15 - What would the Kido Butai use as escorts if the Kongo's were actually refitted as battleships? 02:03:39 - Protection of steering/propulsion in the inter-war period? 02:08:16 - IJN Yukikaze and long lived warships 02:11:30 - Which version of the German navy had the most strength compared to its peers, the Imperial German Navy of WWI or the Kriegsmarine of WWII? 02:14:40 - What was the state of the Soviet Baltic fleet in the late 1930? 02:20:24 - Where and how were the ACACIA class sloops of the WW1 emergency programme most often deployed and in what roles? 02:22:44 - Why did the US keep using the super-heavy shell? 02:31:23 - Theoretical British Empire retaining the USA 02:39:13 - When did navies recognize the importance of onboard recreation for sailors and implement it systematically? 02:43:23 - With the switch to steam, what became the most difficult "rank and file" job to fill on shipboard? 02:47:02 - Which Admiral, if they died prior to WW1, would have had the greatest effect on their navy? 02:50:47 - Metal fatigue on ships? 02:59:41 - ould you talk a bit about the distribution of known oil reserves in the late 30s/early 40s, and Japan's options in that regard? 03:06:05 - What chose the 4 Essex class that are preserved over the others? 03:09:08 - How effective were the anti-shipping units based at Malta? 03:15:08 - How would each of the US standard classes do against a Bismarck or Scharnhorst? 03:21:16 - How fast do ships sink once they slip beneath the surface? 03:24:51 - If the QE's and R's had been built with small tube boilers so their speeds are 28ish knots and 25ish knots respectively how do you see this effecting future designs. For example do you think the Nelson's would still be 23 knots and what about kg5's and other nations designs. How could this change WW2?



I've never quite bought the idea that a Japanese-held Henderson field would have cut off shipping to Australia. In the short term, Shipping could have been diverted further south, nearer New Zealand, and out of range of Guadalcanal based air attack. Later, land based aircraft from Espiritu Santo could have done to Guadalcanal what Guadalcanal did to Rabaul, and rendered it useless.


Add to that, Watchtower was planned well before we knew the Japanese were building an airfield on Henderson Field, so the pretext for the invasion doesn't stand up to scrutiny. With hindsight, the Guadalcanal campaign looks brilliant, but don't forget we damn near lost everything there. Had I been in charge, I would have judged the risks to outweigh the benefits of taking the island in 1942.


I was just thinking that it had been a while since we had a Drach'a'thon, too many videos recently that don't risk a pressure sore if it is watched straight through

Capitano Lorenzo

WooHooo!!! 6 hours of joy. Thank you Lord Drach!

Matt Blom

Literally just bought rum for this :)


Sipping on whiskey and listening to drydock while watching snowpocalypse stuff


Thanks for the answer regarding the Acacia class. My great grandfather served in HMS HONEYSUCKLE from 1915 to late 1918 as an Able Signalman so that contributes to my interest in them. Further to that I was a Signalman in the RCN for close to twenty years before being invalided out as a Sr NCO. The majority of my sea time was in MCM ships. Because of that I find minor warships quite interesting, especially those involved in MW. Having served in frigates and destroyers as well as the small ships I can say minor warships have a unique and very special atmosphere because of the small compliment -- the crew can become like a family. They may not have the glamour, but I loved them. In addition to communications I had specialised training in MW and find it to be a fascinating subject, very much ministry of dirty tricks. I'd very much like to learn more about both the ACACIA class and MW in the 1914 - 18 war. Can you recommend some titles that might help with that? I have found it difficult to get information on the ACACIA class and there doesn't seem to be a great deal of literature concerning RN MCM work either. I have come across a title from the 1930s called Swept Channel and have ordered it, but are there other titles you can recommend?

Sean Morrison

This is a great way to spend a Saturday evening, listening to Drach. Thanks for all you do.


Thank you Drach!


Quite the marathon. Thank you!


Joel I have a couple of books I found that might interest you if you can find them. Cocker, " mine warfare vessels of thecroyal navy - 1908- to date". Cowie, "mines, minelayers, and minelaying". Langmaid, "the approaches are mined!" Drach might have some other good references but thought might pass on some from my reading pile.


Amazing. Thanks, Drach!


always a great listen. makes my 600 mile trips trucking fly by