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Hi everyone. This is an update on the current animation that I am working on for the new OC. Right now, I am at the clean up stage.

She still has no name but I want to thank you all for the suggestions in my previous post! I haven't got the time to go through all of them or to even think about a name yet, but once I am done with this, I totally will!

 I still have around a week more of work to finish this. But I am very tempted to animate one or two more shots to make it even better and longer, so maybe I will stretch the deadline a bit.

I hope you like it!

PS: Here is also an sneak peek to a full illustration I plan to release once this animation is done (or once I figure out her name)




Is it weird to be this excited for a new character? 🥰 She's looking great!


I love her design!


YES, Moika! This character design is dope, the animation is fire, and I am super excited to see what happens with this character. Hell yeah, brother!


These updates are looking amazing can't wait to see the finished piece!!

Mason Dunne

Love that boot design and the turn


looks awesome, nice outfit and love the horns


Please do 🙏🙏 I had a good one 😉😉 but I love her design. I love her Oni look 🤗


Looking amazing so far dude. Character design looks top notch.

Petar Son

The design is very unique and interesting i really like this cyberpunk style you made. And if you have some more like ideas for this vido like adding more things in i support it to the end as long as it takes you. We can wait.