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This is an update on the animation I am making for the new OC. I normally don't post WIPs (work in progress) here, I leave that for Discord. But I am still looking for a name for her, so... any ideas?

Who is she? She is a popstar/idol/DJ in this cyberpunk future. Is she a cyborg? a human? She is charismatic, talented but we don't know much about her. She is tied with the music industry as the biggest star in the country, so we will see her in many ads and billboards through the city. Moika is a big fan of her.

If you have any name ideas for her, it would be awesome.

I am looking specially for play-on-words. Like Simone (Sim-one, simulation one, remember that movie with al pacino? lol )

PS: If you leave name ideas, please write a short reason where the name comes from.




I could only come up with Jane, the female lead in Johnny Mnemonic


ONI-chrome looks like an oni (nice 👍)and when you mentioned cyborg I thought android so chrome came to mind Edit:Operating Networking Intelligence


Synthia? (Cynthia and synth) It’s not much, but it’s something


Ashee Oni


Symbolina/Simbolina, not that these are even good but the only thing I could think of with what you are going for. Cyber warrior chick (Tron like universe or megaman legends style) her sister(could use both names twin program sisters) was taken, Mind wiped and repurposed for something , and her parents were ended by the Task Manager Council. She's not here to free the other programs; she just here to end the managers. Lol


I’m so into this new character, she looks dope. You already know my thoughts on the name, with an OS like name with a numerical designation


Grechia steadfast (idk just trying to use the same process for names as I do dnd characters xD)


Dude, this character looks awesome. I always liked cyborgs. Maybe a name like Cybell? First part of cyborg, and the name Bell? I’m not really good with coming up with names, buts it’s what I got. Again, love the character design.


Tr8cy ( Tracy) could work for that


Idella is stuck in my mind for her, sounds close to idol. And maybe a stage name too, i was also thinking Synestra

Lord Nobleheart

I have this for you, my good sir: Devas Tate (devastate) Digital Entertainment Viral Attention Seeker Thought Arousal Technological Entity


How about Emma-0 after the Japanese king of hell?


No. 1 but pronounced as No one. Alternatively, she could be called N0 Body. Somewhat ironic for something/someone that is an idol.


Noise Gale? Like the Noise Gate in audio softwares or mixers. "Gale" is a strong and cool female name. Damn, you could also name her "Noice Gale" for the memes.


How about Voxie? A fusion of Vox (Latin for voice) and moxie. Seems a fitting name for a cyberpunk superstar!


no name idea, but a back story idea. Formally a big name star in the music industry (DJ, singer, ect.) now she's a music producer and a high ranking member of a record label, all the ads are her looking for "the next big thing", she has a premadonna attitude, but her stardom is fading, and she resents her downfall.


Harmoni would be a good one. Going along with other people with the “Oni” idea as well as a play on “Harmony”


Here's one: Amy Vista


Moxal. Moxie+metal. or metoxie There's my 10 cents in ideas 😁 Your doing an amazing job sir!


Funny, because I am actually interested in pre-production work!


She looks awesome!




C33 D33 Jaesa /C. D. Jaesa / Cee Dee Jaesa. Playing off CDJs (the dj equipment)


Bit Byte? Or some play on 8bit byte (I'm thinking those old midi songs from the original nintendo days)


How about: Vertronica (she looks like an animatronic for me, so I choose this




Mae and DJ maestro for a stage name


I love this design, cyber-oni is great! As far as names, I’m not grate with them but hmm…maybe Tavi (T-ah-vi) or Tayvi?


S-Oni-A The first implementation of an S tier Oni


I got it…and not to toot my own horn but it’s pretty good… so her name would be “Nintaru” which comes from “Ninki no metaru” in Japanese. Which roughly translates to “popular metal”


I suggest Lilith or Eve as a soft Evangelion reference b/c the way she opens her mouth reminds me of an EVA. Also if you went with Eve she could have a tagline like "mother of DJ" or something like that.


The only suggestion I could come up with is DJ Oniuiem It's a cross between Oni & Requiem.