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Almost all Content shown and discussed in this post will be part of Roundscape Eclipse 0.3.
The next update will be released this or next month, based on the internal playtest.

First, thanks for all the positive and useful feedback on the first build of Roundscape 2.
I'm glad to see that you folks want us to keep and work on the existing combat system, we put a lot of time into it.

Improved Combat

To improve combat, we're doing two big changes.

  • No more "Timer", instead the party wins when they defeat a set amount of enemies.
    You will even be able to "provoke" the enemies, to make them spawn faster if you feel you are ready for them.

  • Charge! You now will be able to send out the front row by pressing space.
    This will make melee characters way more useful as they can now attack ranged enemies.

Based on the feedback we received, this should make combat faster and more interactive.
We hope you like those changes.

Spooky Forests and Cursed Villages

The Dam of Esharia will be the next big map you'll be able to explore.

It will be a stark contrast to the lush farmlands, with rain and fog, we are trying to create a spooky and more serious tone for this map. The Dam will feature several key locations such as:

  • The Dead Forest

  • The Bandit Hideout

  • The Abandoned Village

  • The Old Dam

  • The Forgotten Beach

Valor ... Hammer of Justice

On this map, you'll encounter new enemies, but also new NPCs that come with their own side quests and sexy content.

One of those NPCs will be Valor, one of Adorevia's strongest Heroes. She's a powerhouse who saved many lives in the time between Roundscape 1 and 2.

We don't wanna spoil too much about her, but here's a small visual preview of her!

The Right Balance of Quantity and Quality

Of course, we will also expand on existing areas and character. 

The next patch will include the first proper Adult Scenes for Natalia and Hettie, and we're really excited about that. Their Romance Paths will be a bit slower compared to Miawenys, Hettie is somewhat shy and Natalia only beds those who are worthy.

There will also be new Quests and Content to do in Maryton and the Lush Farmlands.
The next update will easily double Roundscape Eclipse in Content, increasing the playtime from 3~ to around 6~ hours.

Some of this new content will feature exotic characters and locations, known from Roundscape Adorevia. The next update will also feature the first threesome scene of the game.

 What else?

Of course there's more, we'll do more posts until the Release of 0.3 that goes more into detail, but here's a quick overview of what else to expect in Version 0.3.

  • A New Weapon Skill - Unlock a new Weapon for you, the hero. This one's will be more of a support weapon compared to the Blade and the Mind.

  • Optional Cartoon Mode - A new visual setting that adds a light cartoonish look to the game with outlines and a sketch effect, for those of you who prefer a more cartoonish style.

  • New Blade Powers - 0.3 Will add the first few Blade Skilltree Nodes for the 2nd Ring.
    Yes, we are planning to have several Rings you can process through.

  • A new Companion, which we will reveal next week. She's quite the tall fellow.

  • New Outfits and Weapons, of course, some for the PC and some for Companions.

  • The First Minigame will be added, an additional way to obtain resources.

  • (Maybe) The Female Player Character. We've started first tests for her.
    If she doesn't make it for 0.3, then she will be a safe addition for 0.4


We hope you like the preview for 0.3!

Stay tuned for the companion reveal next week and the new Update!

Let us know what you think here and on discord!

Thanks for your support and trust.





Hoorah for the female PC, i´m tired of shaving


interesting I've already enjoyed the game so far and hearing the content will double shows hope. will we eventually have the good/bad alignment system like in RA1 as like in RA1 i did enjoy corrupting Meredith also will there be any mention of the RA1 hero's and there companions in RA2? as in my RA1 game i romanced Meredith the most followed by the Elven rogue and then others just to see what they were like but the keeping them good or turning them naughty was brilliant i absolutely loved it and felt that was a unique aspect of RA1. after all corrupting the that righteous Elven sheriff.......... nah no one would ever want to break such a lawful good character right ;) also twisting the priestess in such away she falls from the grace of her deity would be well as a person who gave up on religion because others in their religious group i can say that the more "morally righteous" they claim the more "morally foul" they truly are! ive never respected anyone who claims virtue but shows none in there actions and so when i played RA1 i always felt the succubus had the right idea with the church in Oakshire if for the wrong twisted reasons but she is what she is. most of all i gave up on religion when those of my group felt zealotry was a right to bestow upon the world and because i am different to them in ways they can not understand they decided that the "Moral" thing to do was to set upon me like they saw a witch and well i have some nice scars on my back and a healthy dose of PTSD of that night! so when confronted with religion in games or religious people that i can break i tend to like doing so as its kinda my release of the pent up anger and betrayal i feel towards the religious. but corrupting people for fun in games is nice as your not harming anyone truthfully as they are just characters but consequences for doing so i feel must be profound and impactful.


as a person who does have to shave every 2 weeks i actually find this comment amusing lol and yes i would like the female character too. as for the shaving part i do not ever look forward to spending an hour of my day doing so personally its 1 hour im spending being less productive on things that need my attention so i definitely understand your comment.


also sorry for the wall of eye death caste upon you.