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Watch "Jojo_Part2_ep13" on Streamable.



It’s too bad they only do like 1 reaction a month.....gonna take them 7 years to finish JoJo’s, literally do the math 😭


I was exaggerating buttt it’s like 2 weeks


November 10th always the last reaction


Lycan is wild for that intro 😂 Core and Essential

Lil Zoro Vert

Don’t worry about the Hamon getting repetitive. I hope that isn’t stopping you from enjoying jojo’s


I feel like if they should at least do 2 at a time if we have to wait so long


Again try not to take it to seriously because the jokes would come out of no where especially in p2

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

LMAO! Lycan face when Jojo got his “hand chopped off” 😂🤣

Nick K

Again not sure if they know this but many character names are based off of bands and musicians, but the english subtitles have them changed because of copyright concerns. So the pillar man here the subtitles keep putting as "Santaviento" but if you listen to when they say his name you can hear it's actually Santana. So anytime there's a new character try to listen to how they say their name versus the subtitles to get what their actual name is.