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OP EP 485 FO

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Whitebeard the man who both lived and died as the CHADS of all CHADS in all of anime! RIP Whitebeard Edward Newgate!


Whitebeard introduces a new era.


Lmaoo I was ctfu last episode drop when he said Black Beard hasn’t done anything to me yet knowing that these episodes were next 😂😂


Bro that Whitebeard speech about the One Piece and the speech about his back was🔥🔥🔥


Thank you guys for uploading, can we get the next 4 episodes at once?

Jay Voorhees

Like I said Saturday That hate for BlackBeard will increase. 🌑&🌊


I am not to sure, But i think Blackbeard draws in anything. He draws away damage but in the process he is also feeling all the pain processing. Thats why he always seem like a crybaby. Twice the pain, half the damage is what I was tought.


Yo Lycan remember when you said in episode 483 "Blackbeard has never done anything to make you not like him"??? How about now ?


This is my favorite episode so far in the series. The fights are great, but this is the stuff of legends. It makes the show just feel so fucking epic and makes you really appreciate the story telling. Can't wait for the next set of episodes!


Fun fact, this was censored in the anime, shocking right lol, but during his fight with Sakazuki after aces death, his face was actually melted away. So on top of all his wounds he fought with half a face. A true Chad.


486 finna hit different


Idc what nobody says.. White Beard is the Goat Of All Anime 💪💪💪🌊

Angel Zane

Amenz, my boy! There’s a novel series that tells Aces story if you’re interested more in his character. You can find it on Amazon.


I'm laughing so hard anytime i hear Raftel now, haha!


Oda just loves teasing his fans with the D lol


There yall go again. Whitebeard just let Teach kill him. No, he was old and ran out of gas, unfortunately. He is a beast able to do a lot of things and arguably the strongest in this war. Don't let yalls like of the character rob you from looking at things objectively.


Imagine Whitebeard in his prime. He couldn’t dodge anything since he was old and sick. Truly the strongest man.


Luffy breaking like he did is awesome. Different than other animes where the main character would just get a ridiculous power up. Luffy actually just cries and breaks mentally just like how you usually would IRL


Lmfao. Did you just say "arguably"? LOL. Oda said Garp was the strongest marine at the war. If he was the strongest person he would have said that. Whitebeard was the strongest person at the war. INARGUABLE. Unless your saying one of his crew mates was stronger lmao


yup oda be puttin some real life scenarios/ stories based on real life

Adam Bailey

The fact that there's still more to come from this arc is nuts. I remember reading the manga for this week to week as it was coming out and I couldn't believe how this arc just kept going like a friggin train.


ayo lycan for the tattoo idea, check out this scene in the Manga! those pages of whitebeard are legendary! would make for great tats :D


LOL the blue-balling of D.


Excited for you guys to react opening 13 and 14 they are special


next ep is gonna be dope for one specific scene ( i think its next ep)


for me, the manga was better I wish if they can review the manga for this arc


i respect whitebeard and all, but i thought that that was for the previous 2° division commander... you know... "him".


yo I wish we can get a 3 episode drop

ismailuchiha .

lol roger talking about raftel went right over there heads


RIP the Voice Actor for White Beard too


yo lychen no worries bro! there are more whitebeard flashbacks to come that flesh out the character even more!

florent montout

Just you to see how in the Manga whiteboard was https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d6e332d0d174b7d72559199cfe9b92d1


Am so glad you two really understand Whitbread! Because a lot of ppl talk shit about him in this arc, but they don't get it. He's just a normal guy who happened to get a crazy devil fruit, but he wanted to live simple. A soft guy in a hard body, he move by passion not by obligation, he fight for love and not for treasure or money. A GOAT!


"Hey... When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No... When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No... When he eats a deadly poisonous mushroom soup? No! A man dies when people forget him...” Dr Hiriluk (chapter 146, ep 86).


I have rarely seen people talk trash about Whitebaerd. I don't know where you read and talk One Piece but is probably the wrong place. Join the Reddit One Piece server, almost nobody is disrespecting Whitebeard there.


Please dont drop the series or sth, there is more Ace and Whitebeard content to come, they will travel with us through Luffys journey. The feather dropped on Luffys chest symbolizes that he carrys their faith and will with him. In the end, the pirate king they wished for will be Luffy, not a guy like mother frcking Blackbeard. Akainu can eat it then too (as well as the Chelestial Dragons, hopefully).


All this started after Enies Lobby,damn the setup.


Both sides held back to some degree. This was a "war" to save someone from being executed and a war to hold off pirates until the completion of an execution, not a war to just completely annihilate the opposing side. Just as some examples, we see toward the end that if Whitebeard had wanted to just go ham from the beginning, he could have launched endless Tsunami's or spammed his impact quake ability to just shatter the whole island. On the Marines side the Admirals could have just tried to keep spamming meteor showers and light beams. The Major Players on both side also had to take into account that their powers, at full strength, can hurt their own team if they're not careful.


Hey guys I'd like you to have this artwork of mine as your poster. But I don't know how to send it to you, maybe I can send you the highres version and if you like you can print it. https://www.facebook.com/winvillart/photos/a.120292822702797/284496006282477/


I like that you Appreciate the beauty of OP, is not just the story but the similarities with real-life occurrences, like when we see the Mondblank Norland story and how the story is changed because a wealthy person wants to. I recomend watching the movie The Day Shall Come.


Was it just me or did black beards “I used to look up to you” speech slap more in the manga?

Lil Zoro Vert

The most epic death in anime

Lil Zoro Vert

Ever since that scene I knew Oda doesn’t like to just needlessly kill off characters but rather built them up through arcs so that the memories will stay with us when they die


Whitebeard is one of my favorite characters, Ace too. So losing both of them during this war was heartbreaking. I feel your pain guys. I still get emotional when rewatching these episodes with y’all, but both were legends, and both got beautiful send-offs. They’ll still live on in the hearts of those who remember their greatness and what they stood for🔥

Lil Zoro Vert

FUN FACT: According to the interview between Oda and Yasutaka Nakata, if Akainu becomes the protagonist, he is so strong that he can put an end to ONE PIECE within a year.


that last line from the narrator that whitebeard got no scar on his back always gets me! dang! he never ran away in his whole life! what a beast!


and he wears that coat so not even a scratch would be on his back

Dan Costa

RIP Whitebeard the goat


The way whitebeard was written is just gold fam! RIP whitebeard & Ace. And I’m glad Oda didn’t give Luffy a ‘power up’ and instead gave us something real. The way he cried and how his mind ‘shattered’ it felt really genuine and most of us could relate to it. This arc was defo a masterpiece.


i feel like yes, but more so he reinvigorated the pirates who have given up the dream like those in Gia like bellamy? something like that


Can someone tell me their schedule for one piece cuz I just became a patron?


whitebeard never dodged any attack in the whole arc

Tabron Bryant

Disclaimer: Just so you guys know, when Pops was talking to about he's not the one Roger is waiting for, he was thinking of Luffy the entire time. Hence when the feather flew past Whitebeard and landed on Luffy. This show is all about inherted wills. Oh and if you go to the manga, Akainu/Sakazuki not only destroyed half of Pops mighty stache, but also half his face


fun fact the person that oda based whitebeard off of was hulk hogan


In the manga part his head and brains were burned off and he still kept fighting


HOLLYYY FUCKIN SHIT DUDE! I JUST REALIZED ODA HAS THEM IN CHERRY BLOSSOMS TREES (Not gonna spoil where that means they're at. But they're more flashbacks of them to come)


Yuuup. Family was his One Piece. That's why he had no interest in chasing Roger or going to Raftel

Ma Rie

Gosh if no power works against Blackbeard then just punch his face bloody to death and with haki…