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Casting Director: Yumi Takada

Start Date: March 18, 2024

Location: Los Angeles, CA (LA local only)

Language: English (standard English, can have an accent if it's natural but don't need to add it )

Los Angeles local only.


20s to 30s years old, East Asian (can portray Japanese) man (including transgender man), nonbinary. LGBTQ+ actors encouraged to audition. A soldier with a new Army, pieced together from the last vestiges of the U.S. Army, which disbanded during the zombie apocalypse. Hideki is tough, highly trained, fiercely loyal
to his friends, and takes nobody’s bullshit. But he has a soft side too, having found a life partner in Shinji (male), another survivor.

20s to 30s years old, East Asian man who can portray Japanese. A doctor who learned the trade from a mentor during the zombie apocalypse. With limited supplies, Ginji is increasingly frustrated by his inability to help patients. Disillusioned, he seeks alternate means, beyond conventional medicine and ethics, to save humanity.

40s years old, East Asian man who can portray Japanese. Leader of the Home Guard, a ragtag policing organization for a settlement of survivors in the zombie apocalypse. While officially law enforcement, they’re just as much a criminal organization. Katsu revels in the power he wields, and takes advantage of his access and connections by operating an underground black market.

[ ARTI ]
20 to 28 years old, all ethnicities, open gender (non-binary actors encouraged to audition). American. Arti (short for “artificial intelligence”) is a robot that can mimic 90% of human behavior. It was stolen from a government facility by survivors of a zombie apocalypse. They’ve repurposed it to provide their settlement with defense, search and rescue, repairs, and resource gathering. However, its handler’s demands sometimes conflict with the ethical considerations with which Arti was programmed.

20s to 30s years old East Asian (can portray Japanese) man (including transgender man), nonbinary. LGBTQ+ actors encourage audition. Sexual identity: Gay. Nationality: Japanese / Japanese-American. A former Red Cross volunteer who has embedded himself in his partner Hideki’s community. Against all odds, he’s found a mate amid Armageddon. But he’s the antithesis of Hideki. His inclination isn’t to kill, but to save people -- which can leave him vulnerable to those who would take advantage.

40s to 50s years old; East Asian (can portray Japanese) man. Community leader of a group of survivors who have established a settlement during a zombie apocalypse. He’s an idealist who still clings to the old ways. But his penchant for traditional law and order may not be enough to maintain his position, especially when other contenders for power are nipping at his heels.

[ RINA ]
30s to 40s years old, East Asian (can portray Japanese) woman. Wife of Kai Shimizu, head of a settlement of survivors who have banded together in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. The power behind the throne, Rina is the one with a vision for their community and Kai’s place at its heard. So she goads him into increasingly brutal tactics in a quest for power.

20s to 30s years old; East Asian (can portray Japanese) woman. Hikari (”light” in Japanese) is an AI system designed to help protect survivors of a zombie apocalypse. It is integrated into their settlement’s infrastructure and defense systems. Hikari is highly intelligent, but not sentient and does not express emotions or subjective opinions.



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