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I've recieved messages regarding some drawings missing from my Patreon gallery.

It is true, they are missing due to legal reasons. 

I know, It's bull, and it hurts me way more than anyone else. All that hard work, removed.

After the fiasco I had with the Hermione drawing I am forced to purge many drawings from all of my galleries. In order for my Patreon campaign to continue existing.

What we'll do with those drawings, we dont know yet. We are discussing it on a daily basis.

Im sorry for this inconvenience, but it wasnt our decision. 

I'll keep you updated on the situation.

Thank you for the patience.



Is the legal issue specifically about not being allowed to have them on or link them in patreon or is it like you just can't have those drawings anywhere on the internet period?


The heck! There's so much more questionable gorey, unhealthy, unsanitary stuff sexual stuff on the internet involving real people out there in the open but lord forbid someone draws a fantasy scenario involving tickling and feet... smh


For the ones that are a patreon only problem, have you considered pixiv fanbox?


Gumroad with a 100% discount is another way, I think. I don't know the differences between the options. Regardless I hope y'all figure it out, and best of luck.


Thanks on the idea. Yeah, we checked Gumroad out quite recently actually and it´s sooo good! But the problem is we´re not part of the USA/Canada/UK/Australia so our only option for payouts is PayPal, and we got blocked by them a while ago due to the artwork… =/


We discussed the issue this morning and there is only one option really but it´s HIGHLY questionable if it´ll work. Again, thank you for bringing the idea of Gumroad, we really appreciate it, but there´s no need for you (or any other Patron or fan actually) to continue busting their heads against this problem.


Have you considered a subscriber-exclusive channel in Discord?


Yes, but I'm taking baby steps. Still exploring the Discord app. It's all new to me. Im open to suggestions.


You'd get the most freedom by having your own website, but with PayPal a non-option getting the payment section sorted might be a bit tricky. Since your content is mostly pictures and text, it can easily be hosted for free.


Wait, what? Legal reasons for fanart? I know Shadbase made some about X-23 from the movie 'Logan', and her lawyers made him remove those, but I can't imagine Emma Watsons doing the same with the mass amount of Hermione fanart out there O.o Also I wonder if I have that one...


Well Shadbase had his own website, and had artwork of that little girl from the movie Logan, and he was forced to remove it from his website for legal reasons anyway.


That's why I said most, not complete. If you can't post it on your website legally then you can't post it anywhere legally.