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This month the Winner for the Q&A is Niara: the Sun Goddess.

You can ask the Goddess any question either in the comments below, or on our Discord channel.





-What was the weirdest request that you have ever gotten? -Has your size ever gotten you into any unfortunate situations? -Did you ever punish any of the shrine workers for what they did to you before?


What was your first tickle session like? Do you prefer to be tickled or worshipped?


Do you have any other sisters?


What happened when you were put into the dungeon?


I have some uhhh... purely research oriented questions... yup. - How did you escape the dungeon? - Although it's not your nature to hurt mortals, does that prevent you from doing things like tickling them? - In a situation where you're not being mercilessly tortured, how do you enjoy being tickled or pampered on your feet? - Where are you most sensitive on your feet? - For uhhh... purely research reasons, might I be able to have a turn getting the privilege of "worshipping" at your feet?


What do you prefer more: a fellow God of your size and stature licking your soles? Or many humans licking your soles with multiple tongues?


Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?