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Hey everyone

Finished the major foundation work for Naughty Sandbox's clothing system. Last post I descibed some layering system where there would be an underwear layer, outerwear layer etc, which I decided to scrap in favor of something more flexible.

If the embedding doesn't work there's a direct link to the clip here:


Or here:


You will be able to add and combine any clothing, such as two pairs of "underwear" if you want, and I'll be leaving it up to the player to decide what works artistically and technically (with minimal clipping) without programming in much to alleviate compatability issues.

Some clothing items will have the option for adjusting their physical thickness, which the player can use to fix clipping. Such as in the case of thin and tight leggings placed over underwear, which may cause the underwear to show through, you can give the leggings more thickness to fix the issue of seing parts of the underwear underneath. 

Figured this is the best option to speed things up, and to allow maximum creativity with using the outfit designer.

Below I'll outline how it works as concisely as possibru -

Adding & Customizing

In the Outfit tab, you add clothing with a dropdown menu (for now) and accessories by placing them like usual. 

When a clothing item or an accessory has been added, it will appear in the Outfit as its own panel. 

Each individual clothing item and accessory will have their own unique parameters for customization, which will be listed in the panel as either a color option or a slider.

Any outfit item or accessory can be deleted with the trash can icon, or in the case of accessories, they can also be physically removed by clicking and dragging them off the character.

Saving & Loading

Your outfits can of course be saved, and this is done in the Wardrobe sub-tab. Clicking to save a new outfit will prompt you to enter a file name. When you've done this, the outfit will be saved to a physical file on disk and it will be automatically prefixed with "Outfit_". 

You can load an outfit in 2 ways, you can load it as Replace or load it as Additive. Loading an outfit as Replace will strip the character and re-dress her in the loaded outfit. Loading an outfit as Additive will combine the loaded outfit with whatever clothing she's currently wearing. 

This system makes it possible to easily make and combine groups of clothing items and accessories into a final ensemble. For example, saving some outfits made of just accessories like jewlery, and saving some outfits made of just clothing items, so that you can easily try out an outfit with different combinations of accessories. Or for example, saving outfits made of just lower body clothing items, and saving outfits made of upper body clothing items, to then quickly make further combinations. 

A saved outfit could even be a single clothing item that you've customized to your liking and want to keep a version of, and it will be up to you to use the system in the way that suits. 

To add further flexibility, your characters can be saved with their clothing. Despite whether you've made a save for the outfit itself, characters will be saved with all their clothing items & accessories, so it's not necessary to use the Outfit save system at all if you don't want.

When loading a character, you can choose to load her with or without her saved clothing & accessories. If you choose to load a character without her clothing, she'll be loaded wearing whatever clothes are being worn at the time. This is so that you may make an outfit, and then load some of your saved characters to have them each "try on" the outfit.

When loading a character with her outfit & accessories, you'll lose whatever unsaved outfit you were working on and it will be replaced with the clothing your character was saved with at the time. 

I'll be adding an icon to each character's tab so that players can easily see if the character has been saved with an outfit.

New Character Save System

Character saves now require a save name before the system will save the character, so you can now have custom save names! Saved characters will be saved as physical files to disk and will be automatically prefixed with "Character_".

When browsing the character saves, you can see the save name of each character when you expand their tab. The displayed save name leaves out the "Character_" prefix to save some space.

Character and outfit save files are now shareable and easy to back up. Naughty Sandbox will scan any save files in the SavedGames folder for characters or outfits on load, which means that you can grab other people's outfits or characters or share your own with other peeps. 

Your saves for Naughty Sandbox should be here:



I'm gonna be doing Discord testing this week & next, with a Public build release aimed for the end of January or very early February.

I'll try to include some Valentine's themed accessories and clothing if testing goes well and I don't have to put out some programming fires!!

Thanks peeps 


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