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Hey peeps,



Grab the build from either of these two links.

This is very early stuff, please be patient if things go wrong. The to do list for improvement is quite large so I'm not going to post it, but be assured that everything that's annoying or bad in terms of user experience will be addressed!

Some of the locomotion options don't work for some HMDs, but Teleporting should work fine for everyone - Left thumbstick or trackpad + trigger to teleport.

Performance is pretty bad in VR - will be addressed ofc! Don't stay in there if Timewarp isn't doing enough to bring you up to frame comfortably.

There's a clip here of me playing around -

And various other clips over on my Twitter, which may be worth checking out if things aren't too intuitive and you need to refer to something. Hopefuly it's self explanatory for the most part, I hope you can have some fun and see the potential in this, despite the lack of polish!

If you're not supporting the project, your build will be censored!!! Patrons of Naughty Sandbox have some additional options and bonus modes including the ability to make themselves tiny or huge, make her wear a ballgag, uncensor her, and spawn additional characters.

If you have issues, comment here or jump onto the Discord (Patrons only for now) for tech support or to give feedback where I can respond faster.

And please don't be too mean if you hate it, be contructive if you think things suck! You can help me make this experience better.




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