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Hey peeps, 

First I gotta apologise again for delays, this week both my Vive broke and my PC's PSU blew, still waiting to see what the damage to the other components might be. For now I'm developing on a rag-tag combo of a borrowed OG Vive and my backup laptop, and it took a few days out of my progress.

Luckily, the project's SSD drive was undamaged and I lost no work. and I spent some time purchasing and setting up an automated backup solution, because I could have potentially lost a month or so of Sandbox progress which would have been devastating. I should have looked into this kind of solution sooner, since it's way too easy to get complacent with backing up work.

Anyway, development is going quite well aside from performance issues, which Oculus and Steam timewarp generally takes care of. I'll spend some time trying to diagnose it soon, for now I've ben focussed on features.

Builds will from now on include a Character Menu, which will get updated as I add and refine more stuff. The Character Menu will provide character customization options, as well as some stats about your character. I hope to incorporate some charcter stats in there soon, such as your character's height, and ultimately when it's working with a save system, I'd like to include the ability for players to save their character with a name and possibly a Bio. 

Options are basic for now and there's one single sheet of options, but it will turn into probably a tab-based menu and submenu system, with options of similar types organized together, such as color options, proportion options, etc.

Also, I wasn't planning on releasing with these, but during testing they seemed to work out very well - so there will be a few proportion sliders available to play with, and I'll be adding more as I iterate. There may be some special sliders / options in the future which will be unlocked only for certain tiers, but since I want a large player base to be able to test them and give feedback, they're open to everyone for now!

There's a clip here where I interact with this menu a little bit -


A build link to the demo will be released here in a little while, and will be available to non-Patrons too, with reward teirs getting some additional fun features. Builds for non-Patrons will be censored with no bonus options.

Also an apology to non-VR players - The upcoming build won't have posing ability without motion controllers, this is because I haven't quite worked out how I want to handle Kb/m posing yet, it's quite a hard problem to solve. Non-VR players can still use the menus, please be patient while I think of a way to support moving her about without moton controllers!

Thanks everyone :)


VR PoseRigProportionsCrop

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