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Mentioned this a few times but thought I should again for potential new peeps. Because I've been slow with this build and it's the first one, everyone's tier rewards are upgraded to the next tier up, as a thanks and sorry for taking so long with a playable build.

This means that:

$1 Censored Lewdies will have access to the uncensored option

$4 Uncensored Lewdies will have access to the additional equipment which in this build will be the Sweater Leotard and its Latex Variant

$8 Premium Lewdies will have access to the Slow Motion and Player Scale bonus modes of the Transcended Lewdy tier.

$16 Transcended Lewdies don't get anything additional because there's nothing above this tier, why are you even giving me that much money you sillies!!



Watch and share SleepyAss GIFs by naughtysandbox on Gfycat



That's far too kind :P No, seriously - I take that apology with pleasure :)

Man Man

can we expect a demo until end of november or might it be later than that? because i pledged 8 bucks now :D