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Sup lewdypies,

Still can't believe there's 52 of you already. Each of you are heroes to me, and it's encouraging to know that so many of us share a common vision of jiggly soft girls with awesome graphics.

I've been working on rigging and getting her working with the rodeo machine. Here's a couple clips from the last few days which I haven't had a chance to write about -


Getting her sitting on the machine properly and making sure that the soft skin system works well with it.


Experimenting with moving the breasts closer and further apart based on how her shoulders and clavicles are positioned. I'm going to be doing a lot of secondary animation like this to bring some more realism to the rigs and animations.


Trying out different positions. Her position on the machine determines how it moves her, since we're using dynamic animations.


I'm also commissioning some lewdy sounds from a real cutie! I'm trying to work with actresses with natural sounding moans and gasps, so we don't get into the tragic territory that mainstream porn has found itself in, where the girls manage to simultaneously sound way too over enthusiastic but also dead inside. 

I'm really fucking up with the goals here, as Voice Actresses were supposed to be at the 150 patron tier -

When Naughty Sandbox reaches 150 supporters, I'll commission some professional lewdy voice actresses and add some dialog to enhance the erotic experience.  

But I think they'll be a great investment now, and since I obviously can't make those sounds myself because I'm such a #partoftheproblem male, it's the perfect thing to drop some dollie$ on.

A friend of mine suggested I offer voice packs, which I'm heavily debating. It will eat into the budget considerably since it means getting recordings from multiple VAs every time I add sounds and dialog, but I think for overall quality and catering to different players, it would go a long way. Thoughts welcome!

Btw, I post clips to the Discord and Twitter a bit in advanced of posting on Patreon, because I like to take the time to do proper write ups. If you want update clips and pics a bit faster (sans writeups), follow me on Twitter and jump on the Discord. Been having some cool discussions in there recently too.

Also I can't emphasize enough how likes, retweets & comments help with exposure on Twitter. Twitter algorithms are much more likely to show your Tweet or profile to other people if it has more engagement. For you dudes who don't mind being horny on their mains, or who have lewdy alts, plz ploz plx follow Naughty Sandbox and engage with posts - every little helps seriously, even just tapping like.

Hope you guys like this update and are looking forward to the first build!


Blinks & Eye Aim

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