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Hey guys,

I'm progressing with Naughty Sandbox quite fast, though I'm scrambling to keep up with the influx of supporters recently. We hit the first goal way sooner than I anticipated, which was to release a Rodeo Machine playable build once we reached 50 supporters. 

I'm kinda embarrassed to say this isn't ready yet, but I've now made it my priority, and I put together a roadmap for my own sanity & so you guys can have an idea of schedule. 

I tried to make it quite self explanatory but I'll elaborate on it a little here. Currently Naughty Sandbox dev is fragmented AF as I work on bits and pieces here and there. For a smoother dev experience for myself, and less bottlenecking for you guys, I'm splitting dev into Technical and Art. Hopefully you lewdy pumpkins have been following my progress with the girl's physics and soft skin system, where she reacts to physical objects and whatnot.

This system is prone to instability and is very hard to fine tune, so if I were to wait until it's perfected to release builds, we wouldn't see any playable builds for quite a while. To resolve this, the first build won't be using this system, so you won't be able to squish or touch her sadly. She will have boob bounce physics though!

However, I'll be releasing some test builds with this system separately that won't contain any environments, just for you guys to play and test with and to bug report. It's very likely that you'll be able to really break these builds. If you've seen any game physics fuck up compilation videos, imagine that but with a naked grill.

So the current plan is to get the rodeo machine build out the way, which will maybe be boring to some people (hopefully not) but it will be a mere fraction of naughty Sandbox's true power

After that, the plan is to release the "Doll Mode" tests, and while everyone's having the time of their lives with those builds and molesting her with massage wands, I'll be polling people on what they want to see for the next gameplay type build which will be another lewd scene with limited interactivity, but it will be beautiful and hot. 

By the time another Scene is released, we should be getting more stable with our physics system, and by that time hopefully we can have dynamic sex with her. 

Then I'll integrate the technical stuff like the physics system and soft skin system back in to the main gameplay scenes, which will "upgrade them" to be more interactive. By this time all the systems should be in place to go full speed ahead with dev with less focus on R&D, and we'll be releasing scenes with insane graphics as well as insane level interaction.

Notice there are no dates on the roadmap, because I have no idea how long this stuff's gonna take, but hopefully the time will fly and I'm aiming for the Rodeo Machine build to be out this month, even if it takes a few releases to become stable and polished. I don't know if it will go exactly according to the plan outlined above but that's my aim for now.

And per the reward tiers, builds (even test builds) will be censored unless you're an Uncensored lewdy, and builds will contain something extra if you're a Premium lewdy. 


I bored the shit out of myself with writing that but I hopefully it makes everything a bit more transparent for peeps following, unless it really confuses things instead, in which case please try and forget all about it. Here's something more fun -

The Rodeo Machine scene will be a VR and non-VR single-room experience (with very little in the way of interacting with the character). She'll be riding the Yoroko Rodeo Machine introduced in an earlier post, and bouncing and jiggling and having a fun time. I've made some progress with the setting of this scene, hopefully you guys like the way it looks so far.

Ignore the unfinished assets and non-textured stuff please ;-; And there will be more detail and clutter in the final version to make it look like a real lived-in girl's room.

The bedroom is a part of a larger apartment environment that will eventually be a key part of Naughty Sandbox where various scenes and gameplay will take place.

I would like this scene to be a showcase of Naughty Sandbox's immersive potential. I believe the term 'presence' isn't just limited to virtual reality - I think a player can feel present even when gaming on a monitor. So I'm trying to create very realistic and believable environments, with environment design and lighting which will rival triple A titles, and possibly even get close to arch-vis interior CGI - while maintaining the performance of real-time.

This has been a long one. I'm so grateful to everyone's support so far. It's so encouraging to see people invest in a project like this so early on in its development, from a completely unknown dev like myself. One thing's for certain: I'm obsessed with making this project a reality and becoming a huge player in the lewdy space.




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