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Not much of an update here, been working hard on character still, tackling isolated bits at a time. This time hands, which I think have come out alright. I'm going to move on to making super hires and realistic breasts next - so the next post will probably be Patron only  

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Thanks to everyone supporting this project so far by the way, and trusting the project even with no build or demo, it really means a lot to me!

I'm going to try find some time this week to show off the VR mocap system I'm working on to create animations with, because that should be interesting to VR and non VR players.

The way the system works, is that I will "possess" the character in order to make animations with her (will explain more in-depth when I have a demo clip). And so I don't have to spend money on animators or animating myself because animation takes a whole bunch of time.

An incidental benefit of this is that I can potentially make a mode where you can play as the girl in VR. The mocap system is primarily intended as a dev tool but if the performance is good enough there's no reason not to implement it as a gameplay feature.

While I have additional trackers for feet mocap, and most VR players probably won't, I'll have to work out some kinda way of not needing them or maybe "play as a girl" mode will just be standing in one place or something. 

Anyway just some thoughts for now, hope you angels had a lovely weekend. If you're following the project but not supporting yet, I hope you only had a good weekend. If you just came across this post and you're not even following the project, I hope you stubbed your toe or had a coffee that tasted bad, but otherwise your weekend was "fine"



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