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Hey Folks! It's James. Dael, Matt, and I are taking your questions about the MCDM RPG RIGHT NOW. We already had a BUNCH asked over on the announcement post for this stream, but we'll also be answering them in chat. We'll get to as many as we can, and if we don't get to yours, don't worry, there will be more Patreon livestreams in the future!

Also, if you couldn't make it live, don't worry. The video will stay archived and attached to this post.

Let's talk about Heroes, Tactics, Fantasies, and Cinemas.


Patreon Q&A #005

Thanks for being a Patron! 📚 Enhance your game with MCDM products from our Shop! https://mcdm.shop 🐦 Follow us on X! MCDM - https://x.com/helloMCDM Matt - https://x.com/MattColville James - https://x.com/JamesIntrocaso Dael - https://x.com/DailyDael 💬 Join the conversation on the MCDM Discord! https://mcdm.gg/discord Background music for livestreams is provided by State Azure. https://stateazure.bandcamp.com/ #mcdm #ttrpg #mattcolville 00:00:00 PreShow



Hey, I'm at work so I can't join but I have questions regarding the VTT. It may be /way/ too early to ask, but will the VTT have public dev tools like foundry does? I would love to do some amature development on it.


I like the “Incident” from careers also. I think it would be cool to go back to comics for help with fleshing it out more and take inspiration from the “Defining Moment” of a superhero’s origin and apply that as a defining part of a character’s history that can speak to character’s motivation and/skeletons in their closet. For example, the death of loved ones drives Spider-Man’s sense of responsibility and Batman’s need to mete out justice, Iron Man’s guilt motivates him to become a better person after being confronted with the sins from his family legacy, the Hulk is cursed by the power of his rage from an experiment gone awry, though he still manages to do good with it.