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Hello, folks! Hannah here, with news about a new Patreon thingamajig.

Starting today, Patreon is testing out a "join for free" option and MCDM is participating in the alpha test. This is similar to the existing "follow" feature, but will offer more options for us to offer content to folks on a free tier and involve them in our Patreon community. If you are already following us, you don't need to make any changes and you will automatically see the new tier.

Since this is an alpha test, listing out specific benefits of the free tier is probably premature, but we do know that we want to offer more free content—and having a subscriber area to do that seems like a better option than public posts that offer MCDM minimal feedback.

We'll know more in June as the alpha test progresses. If you just joined and want to see some of our past free content: you can check out some of the existing posts, like the behind-the-scenes process on SHARKCADIA art and the October ARCADIA cover, the free, much-beloved adventure "The Workshop Watches" from ARCADIA 1, and the MCDM Tabletop Safety Toolkit.

In the near future, we'll share some of the Letters from the Editor that James and I are most proud of, and continue doing behind-the-scenes posts on art process. If you have any requests for content you'd like to see shared on the free tier (keeping in mind that the team is busy getting Flee, Mortals! finished and, y'know, making a new RPG), let us know in the comments!

If you have questions, there's also a FAQ on the Free Membership feature here.


Scott McHugh

I'm quite happy continuing to pay for my subscription. I consider your content to be absolutely worth every cent.


Should I send my players here to join the Free tier and help test out this alpha?


Cool! Welcome freeloaders =)


“The Workshop Watches” is much beloved over at my table! I’ve run it 4 times (2 of those groups were kids in the 10-12 age range). The last one was an adaptation into a Zelda like dungeon and S.A.M. was more like Ultron.


That went up too early in my morning for it to register "They couldn't be ready to alpha test the game." Grumble, grumble, where's my coffee?


They are welcome to! Art posts might contain spoilers ... or maybe just make them excited for using ARCADIA content. :D —Hannah


As I'm likely to have to discontinue my payments in the near future as I need to tighten my budget, I'm really keen to participate as a free tier member until I can step up again and pay. Thanks for jumping into the Alpha :)