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Hey MCDM Patrons,

It’s James Introcaso again, here to drop a sweet, sweet preview of ARCADIA 2. We wanted to share the table of contents from our upcoming issue, which should drop next week. Take a look at the goodness in store!

This issue packs in character options, monsters, and adventure ready to be dropped into your games. Joshua Mendenhall’s “Subclasses of the Seasons” gives you four new subclasses: the bard’s College of Springtide, the Child of the Sun Bloodline for sorcerers, the Horned One warlock patron, and the Order of Hibernation for wizards.

Then Makenzie de Armas’s “Periodic Table of Elementals” brings you four new titular foes: the explosive comburo, the magic-absorbing conducere, the energized elekron, and the invisible and toxic noxa. The article also includes rules for reactivities, new combat options for teams of different elementals that feed each other’s desire for destruction.

Finally, Rich Lescouflair dares you to find the origin of magical hazards destroying the town of Ashstead in “Well of the Lost Gods.” This adventure for 8th-level characters includes two incredible dungeon maps ready for use with a VTT and six new creature stat blocks.

We can’t wait to get this issue into your hands. It’s getting the finishing touches now. To share your excitement about issue #2 with others, join the MDCM Discord and our subreddit.


Looks left...

...looks right.

Hello patrons!  Matt Colville here, in stealth mode. I thought it would be cool to show off a piece of art from the new issue. This is one of Marlowe Lune's gorgeous illustrations for Joshua Mendenhall's Subclasses of the Seasons. This is the Horned Hunter, a warlock subclass!

One of the things I love about Arcadia is featuring different art styles, and I love how Marlowe's art for these subclasses look almost like stained glass? Or tarot cards? Just beautiful.

Anyway, I didn't ask our art director, Jason, if it was ok to preview this but I'm the BOSS and I can do what I want! Muahauhauha*cough*cough*cough*. Ahem.



I'm excited for more elementals!


Sounds awesome!


Crazy psyched for this


Truly nothing short of amazing. Very excited.


So hyped for this issue! The artwork is stunning and I am HERE for Makenzie's elementals!


Nice, elemental inspiration incoming! As someone who has been forever disappointed with the Great Wheel of AD&D, and more in tune with BECMI’s or the World Axis in 4e, I really love articles that lead to reconceptualizing a cosmology.


I'm always a sucker for new subclasses! Color me excited!


This looks amazing! I'm loving the new magical subclasses. Any chance we can get some love for the non-magical martial types? Great job, MCDM. I'm very happy to buy this product.


So excited for the next issue!


This looks like an excellent second issue!


This looks so good. I am so in for all of it.




I'm very excited for this issue! That art is gorgeous - can we get a link to the artist?


Great artwork. Checking out Marlowe Lune's work.


I actually started salivating reading this. The quality and "feel" of your products is outstanding.


Oh man what a tease, now I want this even more! Is there a release date set?




The dopeness... It cannot be handled!


Nice, this looks great. When can we expect to get our hands on the #2 Arcadia?

Roman Penna

This art reminds me of the Dragon Age Inquisition cards, and it is amazing I love it!




Super excited to see issue #2 and meet more of the team brought together on this project!


So Cool! very curious about that warlock subclass and a new adventure!


That art is wonderful! It looks like it communicates the idea of the subclass way better than realistic-looking art ever could. I’m really looking forward to more different art styles in Arcadia.


Beautiful art. Can’t wait for the next issue to drop!

Jacob Montague

Oooh! Can't wait! Order of Hibernation sounds so *cool*!


Wow can't wait for issue 2 and future issues of Arcadia!


I want MCDM D&D Tarot Card...


order of hibernation wizard 🧙🏻‍♂️ wtf i can’t wait


I want a deck of Tarot cards you can use to do divinations that actually do something in the game. So a deck of cards AND a rulebook. We'll see.... -MC


God i cannot wait for those JUICY Seasons subclass.


I'm actually so incredibly excited for this next issue, hopefully its more successfully than you all hoped, because i want more of these!