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Hello, dear Patrons, Anna here! :)

Now that schedules have lined up and a particular arc in The Chain has resolved, we're going to record our second episode of Chain Reaction this Friday night and upload the prerecorded video later. But before we do that, we need your help!

Our host, O'D, will be relaying your questions to Tom and Töm this week, so if you have any questions for them about playing in the Chain (creating their characters, decisions they made, what they want to do next, how would they react to X, etc.) this is the place to ask! Please note that in the sake of time and to preserve our sanity from being around O'D for extended periods, we may not be able to get to all the questions but will try to address common ones or those that we find particularly interesting to think about or relevant to the Chain.

We can't wait to see what kind of questions you come up with and thanks for supporting us! :D

(P.S. - If you missed the previous Chain Reaction, you can now find it on our shiny new MCDM Youtube channel right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5okiaQCmpXo )

Edit: Chain Reaction Ep 2 is now live! Thanks for all the questions, everyone! :)



Same question I asked Anna and Lars. What were your first impressions of everyone's characters, including the new characters?


For Tom: Is Bigcat the best cat and why is she the best cat?


For Tom & Tom: How have the first few episodes of The Chain met or not met your expectations of what this game specifically and D&D in general is or was going to be like? Have the reactions of the fans been what you were expecting?


Töm What was your favourite moment playing Nails?


To Töm, did you find your stint as omega nails to be a little stressful as a first time player? Or was throwing out the rulebook and flying by the seat of your pants a fun way to intorduce yourself to the fantasy of D&D?


To Tom, how does copper feel about the revolving door of chain members going in and out of the senior officers circle? For Big cat, yarn or laser pointer?


Do either of you have a desire to play more with your retainers or are you happy with sticking to your character mostly.


Same as Scott, I want to know how it felt being a first-time player and having the Omega Nails arc. What was going through your head as you began leaning into the character and roleplaying? Freeing, terrifying, etc.


For both: What has been your favorite moment in the story so far?


What are you most excited to do in Captial? Or what would your characters be the most excited to do?


For Tom not Taaah!m: do you have any background story for Copper? How does a goblin get into The Chain?


TÖM, I know you were ok with losing Nails but would you have preferred a way to save him if at all possible? It seemed like there was an plan to save him but it was abandoned once Phil decided he didn't want to play Sweet any longer.


Tom, do you feel that Copper should be the commander?


To Tom and Töm, what do you think your characters will want to achieve the most in Capital?


For Tom: do you feel the livestream forced you to join Twitter? Was it for all the Copper and BigCat fan art?


For OD: Alright bruv? The Chain is right fucking proper innit? Any part that's got you chuffed? Keep learning to play D&D. Best of the British mate! Throw some dice and Roberts your father's brother.


To both; what do you see as the long term goals, seperate from The Chain, for your characters? Also, what are your real life classes?


Töm: Were you satisfied with Nails' death both from the perspective of a player and a narrative standpoint? How do you feel about taking Sweet down with you?


Taaaaah!m, are you looking forward to the possibility of Coppers backstory being mined by Matt and revealed via gameplay?


Tom: Was a Displacer Beast your first choice for an animal companion? What were the runner ups?


For both Toms. Do either of you view or listen to other D&D content? If so, what? And if so, has it influenced how you are playing?


For both Toms. What other games do you enjoy playing?


Tom, how much of a burden is it to be the world's best ranger?


Tom - did you know that the character in The Thing that suggests a blood test is named Copper?


Tom - how do Copper and Big Cat feel about big cities? Do you think Big Cat might draw unwanted attention, especially from the local constabulary?


Tom, how do you feel about not having any retainers?


For Töm, having played a few games under Matt do you think you would ever like to run your own game in the future?


For Töm. How much fun did you have surprising the other players with Omeganails? Do you think it was more effective as you're a newer player?


For OD. When's OD&D going to be unleashed on the world ? Is it in the same timeline as the Chain?


For Tom: We know how a few of the senior officers got their nicknames. How did the world's best ranger get called copper? If you cant say how he got it, who gave him the nickname?


How Tom chose a displacer beast to be Copper's companion?


Töm, in few words, how D&D matched your expectations so far.


with so much turnover in the senior officers, who do you think King should make lieutenant?


Tom, as a fellow newcomer to D&D what advice do you have for someone who bottles it when it's time to send their character into any dungeons?


What’s the best thing about being on the Chain?


Töm & Tom, of these kinds of players which are you most like Actor, Explorer, Detective, Power Gamer, Slayer, Puzzler, or Watcher?


What do each of you have on your shelves? Why did you both chose to play an atypical (custom) class for you current characters? When will we see the backgrounds for your retainers Tom? What are your characters impression of the Dark Dream?


Hi Gaston! In this context, what do you mean by "bottles it"? Just want to make sure we understand the question! :)


Is there a particular magic item that you really would like to get for your character ? If yes which one?


To Töm: Did you have any doubts or regrets about the perma death of Nails?


To Tom: What's the worst act Copper has ever committed?


Hey Tom, Töm, and O'D! Can you all tell me a bit about yourselves? When did you get into the hobby, what drew you to it, how did you end up under the oppressive yoke of Mr. Colville, what are your hobbies (and jobs?) outside of MCDM? Thanks guys, loving all your stuff!


What are Copper and Boots biggest fears? And is there a race that you have an interest in playing like Phil with the Gith?