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Hey guys,

I just wanna give a update, I have paused patreon again for next month. Been just trying to empty my moms house that lady had way to many blue glass dishes hiding everywhere lol, and now we are starting the cleaning phase O.o

 XD I spent 3 hours just cleaning the outside of the cupboards Saturday lol don't use deep fryers homies they make tasty food, but will fuck up ur walls and under cupboards so much grease XD 

There is still so much to do I am dreading cleaning the basement XD. 

 Everything else is going at a snails pace cuz of covid.

I am still very slowly working on my current commissions in-between dealing with all this stuff sorry to all of you still waiting for your stuff to be done its coming just mega slowly.

Love you all and hope you are all taking care of yourselves and staying safe <3 



Just remember to take care of yourself &lt;3. Dealing with house shit can be stressful as fuck.


yeah I take some time off in-between to rest my old lady body, and to do calling filling out forms feed my chipmunks XD I just wanna get this stuff done, going through and giving away stuff had to be the hardest part so far especially the stuff family didn't want or didn't have room for